Thaiboxing (Muay Thai) is a combat sport that uses techniques such as different punches, elbows, kicks, knees and various clinching techniques. Muay Thai is a versatile and technically demanding sport, which improves cardio, physical strenght and endurance.
Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand and a part of Thailand's cultural history.
Muay Thai is a versatile sport which improves your endurance, strenght and speed. Training muay thai is fun and efficient, which is why your condition will improve without much of an effort. You can always learn something new and become better. Muay Thai also improves your coordination and reaction skills.
In Muay Thai you will be training with a partner, which is why you'll get to know new people. In Muay Thai the communality is high and respecting others is important.
General instructions are given in Finnish.
Basic course
The basic course is the first step to the world of thaiboxing (Muay Thai). Everyone's welcome to our basic course and no prior experience from spors is needed. The basic course aims to improve one's condition and to train the basics of thaiboxing. Same techniques are practiced multiple times, hence an absence here or there does not restrain one to join the basic course. All you need is clothes suited for sports, a bottle of water and a joyful mind. One can train muay thai just in order to work out or with spesific goals in mind. Basic courses run 2-3 times a year.
The advanced group is for everyone who has attended the basic course or knows the basics. The basic techniques are repeated in the advanced group. In our advanced group the trainers train at different levels and everyone can train keeping in mind their own goals - whether one trains to stay in shape or aims to compete.
In the advanced group we train different techniques either lightly to our partners gear or harded to the pads. In the advanced group the aim is to spar lightly, and sparring is always voluntary.
To join the advanced group you will need a mouth guard, shin guards, boxing gloves and elbow guards. The use of a cup/groin guard is recommended. Our trainers can order Twins and Bluecorner equipment directly through us. See the prices here.

The juniors train basic techniques and improve their condition in a safe environment. The aim of training is to have fun and get to know muay thai as a sport. With juniors we train according to everyone's skillset and goals.
As a new member, all you need with you are flexible clothes and a water bottle. Other gear can be found from the gym.
The junior group runs all year and one can jump in at any point.
The fighters train techniques used in fights and includes a lot of sparring. The tempo is harder than in the advanced group. One may attend the trainings meant for fighters even though one does not have active goals to compete.
Open spar on friday
The open spar runs without a coach. Everyone's welcome to the friday sparring and one may spar according to their own skills. Typically trainers change partners between rounds, but one may train with the same person if they choose to. One can also come to our gym to train independently and not spar.
If the idea of sparring makes you nervious, you can just come and observe how it works and not participate.